Global Warming Final

The Rhetoric of Climate Change: It’s Not a Myth

“The decade of 2000 to 2009 appears to be the warmest one in the modern record, the World Meteorological Organization reported in a new analysis,” (Kanter, Revkin). Many believe this is just a coincidence while others will claim this as today’s leading world issue. For many years scientists have been recording vital data relating to the earth’s temperature and weather patterns. In recent years a startling trend has shown up in these reports; a slow increase in the earth’s temperature. For the average human, this is of little importance and goes unnoticed. But to the earth’s delicate ecosystems, each minuscule temperature increase is painfully felt. It is difficult to understand all of the theories surrounding global warming, as not all of us are scientists. The last ten years the media has bombarded the public with confusing information leaving all of us feeling a little overwhelmed. One thing they did get right however is that the earth’s temperature is rising and it is our responsibility to stop it. Global warming is not a myth, the actions of the human race are causing an increase in average global temperatures and the effects of this change will be devastating if they are not stopped.

Global warming is the increase in average temperature over a period of time. This is caused by an increase in greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. An increase in the average global temperature can cause many problems. Increasing temperatures will damage delicate ecosystems that require specific conditions to function properly. Certain plant and animal species will become extinct and the earth’s oceans and coral reefs will suffer enormous damage. Farmers will have problems growing crops and droughts will become frequent occurrences. The economy will also suffer due to decreased crop production and increased natural disasters. Global warming will induce a snowball like effect of unpredictable events. The extent of the damage that would result from a global climate crisis is unknown and hopefully will stay that way. If we continue along this global warming trend we will soon begin to experience the damaging power of this issue.

Throughout the earth’s history, radical changes in temperature have been recorded. Weather patterns have always been difficult to predict and erratic changes in conditions are common. Many parts of the planet have gone in and out of ice ages due to natural causes. Before humans were on the earth changes in climate were a common occurrence. Scientists have studied that natural change in temperature, but over the last fifty years the increase in temperature has gone beyond natural levels of variation. In a past article author Revkin stated, “the changes cannot be explained without including a substantial, and growing, push from billions of tons of annual emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases known to trap heat in the air” (Revkin). The human population is responsible for large greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases trap the heat from the sun as it attempts to exit the atmosphere. This build up of greenhouse gas is causing a large amount of heat that would otherwise leave the atmosphere to gather, thus increasing the climate. There have always been natural releases of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The earth is capable of balancing its own production of CO2. Ever since the industrial revolution the natural production of CO2 has been dramatically thrown off. Revkin reports, “For at least 600,000 years before the Industrial Revolution, the concentration of carbon dioxide rarely nudged beyond 280 parts per million. It is now 382 parts per million and rising steadily” (Revkin).

Since humans have inhabited earth, the natural landscape has been tarnished. Trees have been cut down and forests have been removed. This decrease in plant and animal life would mean a decrease in CO2 production, therefore the CO2 level increases are due to human activity.

Some are calling global warming the greatest scientific hoax of all time. Many people believe that this increase in temperature is completely natural as history shows the earths temperatures have always fluctuated. Also, many people believe that the idea of global warming has been blown out of proportion; this is in some cases true. Often time’s scientists label certain natural disasters as, “consequences” of global warming. This is intended to scare the public into believing in the theory of global warming. It is not possible to draw upon the actual causes of a hurricane or other natural disaster; therefore scientists have no right to declare it an effect of the global climate increase. It is difficult for some to believe scientific data as much of it is fairly new therefore varies extremely in estimates. In a recent article this data variation is shown, “estimates of the amount of warming that would result from a doubling of greenhouse gas concentrations (compared to the level just before the Industrial Revolution got under way in the early 19th century) range from 3.6 degrees to 8 degrees Fahrenheit” (Global Warming). This wide variation in data lowers the creditability that scientists have in public. It is easy to not believe in global warming and in fact it is hard on your conscious to be a believer in global warming. The idea of being a part of something as terrible as climate change is not easy to handle. It would be wonderful to live the way we do now with our large cars and unnecessarily large homes but unfortunately it is not possible. Humans are responsible for an increase in CO2 gas emissions. If these emissions are not decreased, the rate of climate increase will continue and disastrous damage will begin. Though the data presented may vary dramatically throughout sources, all data shows a general increase in global temperature and an increase in CO2 emissions. Human activity has an effect on the earth and the way ecosystems function. Before humans were existent, nature was in a perfect balance and was able to maintain itself. Based on these facts and the findings of climatologists, global warming is clearly not a myth.

Global warming has become a hot topic in the last decade and with each year more data is found to support it. Human activity has been proven to disrupt the natural processes in nature. If we do not take strides to lower greenhouse production, we will soon see the negative effects of climate increase. The melting of polar ice caps will raise ocean levels, which will cause problems along the coasts. The delicate ocean ecosystems will collapse if temperatures reach abnormal highs. Also an increase in temperatures almost guarantees an increase in precipitation. Extreme weather such as hurricanes and tsunamis will also occur more frequently. The problems global warming can induce will affect every human being on the earth. It is the responsibility of mankind to accept the role it has played in causing this problem. It is important that people are educated about climate change and that we all know that our actions do play a role in damaging the environment. Fortunately, not enough damage has been done where the damage is irreversible. It is important that steps be taken now to prevent the permanent damage that is possible. The lives of future generations depend upon the actions of our current generation. Without change, the destruction that comes with an increase in global temperatures is inevitable.

“Global Warming.” The New York Times 6 Oct. 2010, Science. Topics. Global Warming. Media

Revkin, Andrew. Kanter, James. “No Slowdown of Global Warming, Agency Says.”  The New York Times 8 Dec. 2009, New York ed. Page A11. Media.

Revkin, Andrew. “Global Warming Trend Continues in 2006, Climate Agencies say.” The New York Times 15 Dec. 2006. Media.

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